Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, founded in 1929, is devoted to the study of the middle ages, and publishes works intended for an audience of university libraries, scholars, and students. We publish 10 to 12 books per year, on broad topics such as literature, history, philosophy, and theology, but also on a range of specialist subjects such as paleography, codicology and diplomatics, medieval law and liturgy, romance philology, and the art of illuminated manuscripts. Our expertise and willingness to tackle editorial challenges enables us to make primary medieval texts more widely available, in some cases as specialized editions for research, and in other cases as translations for the classroom so that medieval thought and writing are accessible to new generations of scholars. Mediaeval Studies, our annual journal, was established in 1939 and from the outset its purpose has been the publication of research on the middle ages by scholars throughout the world, particularly research involving unedited manuscript and archival material.

Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Department of Publications
59 Queen’s Park Crescent East
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 2C4
+1 (416) 926-7144
+1 (416) 926-7258
BILL HARNUM, Director of Publications (416) 926-7126 | bill.harnum@gmail.com
FRED UNWALLA, Editor in Chief (416) 926-7280 | unwalla@chass.utoronto.ca
JONATHAN BLACK, Editor of Mediaeval Studies (416) 926-7105 | jonathan.black@utoronto.ca
MEGAN JONES, Associate Editor (416) 926-1300 x3905 | megan.jones@utoronto.ca
Fred Unwalla, Editor in Chief
59 Queen’s Park Crescent East
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 2C4
+1 (416) 926-7280
+1 (416) 926-7258